I got an email from the head honchkrow at Keenspot addressed to all the Keentoons people saying that they had a deal where they were going to put our cartoons on cellphones. I've been working on a bunch of new Hot Ham Water content for that, and supposedly it's supposed to be going on right now. Problem is though, I have no idea how or who has these cartoons for download. I think there's a possibility that f you have verizon v-cast or sprint or vodaphone, then it may be buried in a channel somewhere. They tell me that it's a global deal, but who knows. There's also some Space Tree or Evil Josh and Billy on there too, if that makes people actually want to go check it out now....if you can find them. I honestly have no idea how this stuff works because I really hate cellphones. It seems that a good percentage of people driving are using their cellphones while doing so, and the problem with that is that majority of people (in my state especially) are sub-par drivers who assume they're the golden child of the road.
I've got a neat script that I want to do once I'm finished with all this stuff. It's going to be an educational video about something that nobody wants to talk about...because it's super gross.
(edit: I think this is how you can get the keentoons in the US, at least http://www.zappertv.com/watch-zapper-t v)
Thats awesome that you got your work on cellphones, you do get paid for that right? lol